Must-Attend Tech Conferences in Dallas-Fort Worth

Are you a tech enthusiast looking for the next big thing in the Dallas-Fort Worth area? Do you want to network with like-minded individuals and learn about the latest trends in technology? Look no further than these must-attend tech conferences in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

1. Big Design Conference

The Big Design Conference is a three-day event that brings together designers, developers, and other tech professionals to discuss the latest trends in design and user experience. With over 1,000 attendees and 90 speakers, this conference is a must-attend for anyone interested in the intersection of design and technology.

2. Dallas Startup Week

Dallas Startup Week is a five-day event that celebrates the startup community in Dallas-Fort Worth. With over 100 events and 10,000 attendees, this conference is a great opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs, investors, and tech professionals. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Dallas Startup Week has something for everyone.

3. DevOpsDays Dallas

DevOpsDays Dallas is a two-day event that focuses on the intersection of development and operations. With keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops, this conference is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in DevOps and network with other professionals in the field.

4. CodeLaunch

CodeLaunch is an annual competition and conference that brings together entrepreneurs, investors, and tech professionals to launch new startups. With a $50,000 prize for the winning startup, this conference is a great opportunity to showcase your ideas and network with other professionals in the industry.

5. Dallas Tech Summit

The Dallas Tech Summit is a one-day event that brings together IT professionals to discuss the latest trends in technology. With keynote speakers, panel discussions, and vendor exhibits, this conference is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in IT and network with other professionals in the field.

6. Women in Tech Summit

The Women in Tech Summit is a one-day event that celebrates and empowers women in the tech industry. With keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops, this conference is a great opportunity to network with other women in tech and learn about the latest trends in the industry.

7. Dallas Digital Summit

The Dallas Digital Summit is a two-day event that brings together digital marketing professionals to discuss the latest trends in digital marketing. With keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops, this conference is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in digital marketing and network with other professionals in the field.

8. DFW Data Visualization Meetup

The DFW Data Visualization Meetup is a monthly meetup that brings together data visualization professionals to discuss the latest trends in data visualization. With guest speakers and networking opportunities, this meetup is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in data visualization and network with other professionals in the field.

9. Dallas AI Meetup

The Dallas AI Meetup is a monthly meetup that brings together AI professionals to discuss the latest trends in AI. With guest speakers and networking opportunities, this meetup is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in AI and network with other professionals in the field.

10. Dallas Tech Happy Hour

The Dallas Tech Happy Hour is a monthly meetup that brings together tech professionals to network and socialize. With networking opportunities and a relaxed atmosphere, this meetup is a great opportunity to meet other professionals in the tech industry and make new connections.


Whether you're a designer, developer, entrepreneur, or IT professional, there's a tech conference or meetup in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for you. From the Big Design Conference to the Dallas Tech Happy Hour, these events are a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in technology and network with other professionals in the field. So what are you waiting for? Mark your calendars and start planning your next tech conference or meetup in Dallas-Fort Worth today!

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